Lexington Real Estate

If you would have told me in 2018 of the 5 year rollercoaster ride we’d experience in the local real estate market, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. Then again, who knew we would experience a pandemic that would basically change everything, from how we live to how we work and just about everything in between including those wild interest rates. Long gone are the “unicorn years” we experienced in 2020 and 2021 and the 2% interest rates that came with it. The number of buyers simply outweighed the number of homes available, because housing in Lexington was affordable with such a low rate.

Fast forward to July 2022, and interest rates went up, wayyy up. Several of my buyers could no longer afford the home they wanted, and many decided not to move and who can blame them. Enjoy that low low interest rate, it might never happen again. But people will always need to move. A new job out of state, maybe you have a big with too much upkeep, or a new baby is on the way and you need that extra space. People will sell their rate for more convenience, better schools, closer to family and quality of life.

So here’s a couple recommendations if you currently own a home:

  1. If you love your home and its perfect for you, stay. Don’t move - Sit back and enjoy that low rate and pile of equity!

  2. If you might need/want to move soon, talk to some savvy pros about your options. The market HAS changed. Financial planners, realtors and lenders. Find out how much equity you actually have and what you want to do with it. Upgrade, downgrade, travel the world. Choice is yours.

  3. If you’re ready to sell and have a rough timeline, let’s get started. Call me and I’ll help you put together a plan to showcase your property in the best light possible, get your marketing on point and get that equity in your hand.

You’ll never ask, “what happens next” when I’m your agent. I got your back and am here to negotiate for you! In this market, how you work with matters more than ever.

Still renting, but want to buy your own home? I can get you there! Call me, don’t spend another dollar on someone else’s mortgage.

Call me, let’s talk!
